Estimated Tax Payments
Federal Tax Estimated Payment Instructions
Liability Disclaimer: The material and information on this website were accurate when making the instructions but due to a constant changing of IRS rules and regulations, By the Book Accounting & Tax Solutions LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of the instructions if the steps on the IRS website should change.
Pay now with direct pay
Make a Payment
Reason for Payment: Estimated Tax
Apply Payment to: 1040ES
Tax Period for Payment: 2023
Verify your identity
Your address has to show up exactly the way it shows on the tax return you are verifying.
Print a confirmation because Federal does not make this accessible after the payment is made. You would have to call in and sit on hold for a long to get any information from them.
Illinois Estimated Payment Instructions
Liability Disclaimer: The material and information on this website were accurate when making the instructions but due to a constant changing of IRS rules and regulations, By the Book Accounting & Tax Solutions LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of the instructions if the steps on the IRS website should change.
Scroll down to mid page to find the Individuals box and click on make an IL-1040-ES payment.
Enter SSN, click on look up my IL-PIN
Enter SSN and your DL Number, State ID Number, or your P/Y Adjusted Gross Income from your 2022 Tax Return. Confirm that is your SSN by checking the box and click conduct inquiry.
Write down your IL-PIN Number. Click Back.
Click out of the IL-PIN Inquiry Box.
Now enter that number in the IL-PIN Field.
Enter first name, last name, phone number, email, address, city and zip, then click next.
Click on payment type; IL-1040 Estimated Payment (This is the one you want for estimates; IL-1040 Payment is the one you want if you are paying a balance due from tax return; IL-505-I is what you would pick if you are paying an extension payment on or before 4/15).
Select the Quarter you will be paying. Here are how the dates go. Click Next
From 1/16/2023 - 4/15/23 = 1st Quarter (adjust years for the next year and so on)
From 4/16/2023 – 6/15/23 = 2nd Quarter (adjust years for the next years)
From 6/16/2023 – 9/15/2023 = 3rd Quarter (adjusting years)
From 9/16/2023 – 1/15/2024 = 4th Quarter (adjusting years)
Enter Bank Account Type, Routing Number, Account Number, Confirm Account Number, Payment Date, Amount and Confirm Amount Click Submit.
You do not necessarily have to print a confirmation, however we always recommend that you do. Once Illinois processes your payment, you can return to the website and access your payments.
Wisconsin Estimated Payment Instructions
Click Individual Income Tax, then click Next
Click on the down arrow and choose Estimated Payment, then click Next.
Tax Year 2023
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address, then click Next
Direct Debit
Fill out the bank info for your business or personal.
Checking, Routing, Account, and Date
You do not necessarily have to print a confirmation, however we always recommend that you do. Once Illinois processes your payment, you can return to the website and access your payments.